Frédéric Cyr | PhDResearch ScientistNorthwest Atlantic Fisheries Centre,
Research interests: |
I study ocean mixing and physical-biogeochemical interactions, with focus in both the coastal and the deep ocean.
I generally work with observations (vertical microstructure profilers, moorings, gliders, remote sensing, etc.), although I also like idealistic process-related models.
I am particularly interested in mixing mechanisms caused by topographic features, such as fronts, hydraulically controlled flows, internal waves generation/breaking, etc.
While the study of turbulence generally implies quite fundamental ocean physics, I always try to apply my findings to the other disciplines of oceanography.
Past examples of this include estimation of turbulent biochemical fluxes, oil spills scenarios, dissolved organic matter dynamics and the link between mixing and biological habitats.
I joined DFO in February 2017 and will mainly focus the Northwest Atlantic in partial support to fisheries and climate sciences. My research activities are also strongly related to the Atlantic Zone Monitoring Program (AZMP) |
Education: |
PhD (2014) | Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski, Université du Québec à Rimouski
(ISMER/UQAR), Rimouski (Qc), Canada. Oceanography |
MSc (2008) | Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines,
Saclay, France. Interactions Climate-Environment |
MSc (2008) | ENSTA-Paristech, Paris, France. Engineering - ocean sciences |
BEng (2009) | École Polytechnique de Montréal,
Montréal (Qc), Canada. Engineering physics |
Past research positions: |
[2016-2017] | Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography(MIO),
Marseille, France. 1-year postdoc on EU project NeXOS Development of a new sensor for glider measurements of dissolved organic matter |
[2014-2015] | Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ),
Den Burg, Netherlands. 2-year FRQNT postodoctoral fellowship Internal waves and ocean mixing |
[2013] | Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Maurice Lamontagne Institute
Mont-Joli (Qc), Canada. Physical scientist PC-2 (3-month contract) Thermal fronts in Canadian coastal waters |